School Houses
For nurturing and polishing the hidden talents of the students, house system is devised in the school and the whole student body is divided into
four houses. Competition, contests, events and matches are held among these houses and best house is declared every year. In inter-schools, intercity and in international events, student participation is made mandatory and is a regular feature of the school curriculum.
Students are arranged in mixed ability houses. Various sports programs and class competitions are arranged under these houses from time to time.
Student Council
The student Council of the Institute is a forum where students are given chance to exhibit their best qualities in leadership and organization. They
are elected members, and, in this way, they are tuned to the democratic process.
Clubs and Socities
- • Urdu Literary Society
• English Literary Society
• Science Cub
• Mathematics Club
• Qirat and Naat Club
• Sports Club
• Arts Club
• Robotics Club - Vns Khushali Club
- Environment Club
Each society/ club has a President who organizes event/ activities of the society. Two Editors, Sub- editors and stage secretaries are selected from
the English and Urdu literary Society. President of the society in collaboration with the members organizes event activities throughout the academic
Curricular and Co-curricular Activities
In line with our Aims and Objectives due attention is paid to the curricular and co-curricular activities
Sports and Games
To help groom the personalities of our students, due emphasis is laid on physical exercises, sports and extracurricular activities.
The Institute actively caters to the physical requirements of the young developing bodies through a comprehensive physical training programme,
duly accomplished by qualified physical training instructors. The high standard of physical fitness of our girls is reflected in various medals, which
they constantly win at inter-school, inter-board and at divisional levels.